Defeating the Active Shooter Scenario: Part 1
Like all predators and criminals, active shooters rely on the element of surprise, unfettered access, and non-confrontational targets for success.
In coming weeks, we’ll examine some of the proven procedures and technologies used to prevent an ambush attack, assist in securing schools & facilities against unfettered access, and how to create a confrontational environment that resists active shooters.
Preventing an Ambush Attack
- A) Screen everyone; whether it is by the naked eye, camera surveillance, hand wanding, or walk through metal detectors, screen everyone. People respect what you inspect. Screen the selected population to your specifications. Invasive screening is the most effective method for preventing weapons or contraband from entering a school or facility. Establish time regimens for entrances and exits, and enforce them. Publish and post safety policies.
- B) Make eye contact to eliminate anonymity by greeting and recognizing those coming into your school or facility. Law enforcement officials recommend eye to eye contact greetings as part of an effective safety and security program. People act differently when they know they’re being watched. Signals and “tells” may be revealed with this practice.
- C) Increase access control security at entrances and exits during none peak or “off hours”. Channel ALL off hours entrances and exits through areas designed to screen for weapons with technologies that deny entrance to those that don’t pass screening. Photo ID and log all those who pass through these zones to aggregate data.
- D) Disclose safety & security measures on a “need to know” basis only. Safety & security measures are most effective when perpetrators are ignorant of their existence and their scenario of operation.